Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Olympic Sculpture Park - Seattle

The 11th of April is my personal independence day.  It's the day when I pulled out of the corporate world and dove headfirst into self employment in 2008.  It was the most frightening thing I think I ever did.  Timing being everything, it was just before the economic downturn.  How much more frightening could that be, no clients and the economy tanking.  Anyhow, it was a true test - having survived that somewhat unscathed, I am starting to come into my own.  I usually take the day off and go do something inspiring.  The first one was celebrated spending a full day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I always wanted to do that.  This year, I was actually a bit busy - ironically, I had to get work out to a client on the 11th and made the day up to myself the day after on the 12th (last time I do that to myself) - so I didn't prepare anything.  I stayed local and went to the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle for my inspiration.  Photo #63:

La Conner

I rode up to La Conner on the 8th of April to see some tulips.  There are many tulip farms nearby La Conner and I was hoping to see rows and rows of color.  It's a bit commercialized with the Skagit Tulip Festival and enterance fees into "Tulip Town" and "RozenGaarde".  It's one of those things that would be infinitely more powerful had it been just a farm that grew tulips.  Anyways, I thought it might be a fun reason to ride up north.  Since the weather has been somewhat cold - a bit too cold for my liking... wet and cold...did I say cold?  There weren't many tulips around to see then, they are probably in full bloom just about now.  Perhaps another ride up...  the festival is though to the end of April.  I did come by this gem on that trip, though it's not a tulip.  Photo #62: