Thursday, March 17, 2011

so it's been a while

...but I haven't given the 1001 photographs up, just been too busy vacationing and getting back in the swing of things.  I went to Hawaii early February and found it to be a paradise for photographers.  Name the type of photograhy you are into and Hawaii would be a goldmine for it.  However, there is this thing I experienced called overload. I don't know if it was just too much photography or just too many things to take photos of but I found myself feeling burnt out afterwards.  It could've been my cute nephew I needed to take pictures of, or just the sheer load of pictures I needed to sort through when I got back.  But as far as any great pictures, I was quite dissapointed in myself. I probably could've came back with better photos if I were mentally prepared to take a lot of pictures.  In retrospect there were so many opportunities to take a beautiful photo that I didn't give each image the time and care it deserved.  But in the end, there are no excuses.  Here are photos # 40-51:

I took this the first night I arrived, was so excited about taking a long exposure shot.  I still have to work on these long exposures.  I like doing them, just haven't figured out the best way of getting the least amount of noise.

Okay... I couldn't resist the following pictures - I'm a sucker.  Sunset from atop Mauna Kea... clouds above and below.  I lost my ability to edit as well - I liked all of these.

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